return and refund

At SneakersFashions, our top priority is your satisfaction. To ensure your satisfaction, it is important for us to offer you high-quality products. All our pairs are meticulously checked by our warehouse team to provide you with the best sneakers on the market.

If you are not satisfied with your order, We will be pleased to accept returns or refund your sneakers according to the conditions below :

  • The sneakers can be tried on but must not have been used.
  • There should be no signs of wear on the sole or the exterior of the sneakers.
  • The sneakers, including accessories such as tags, laces, and others, must be intact and in their original packaging.
  • The sneaker box must not be damaged in any way.
  • The sneakers must be unlaced, as they were upon receipt (if applicable).
  • The sneaker box should not only contain the sneakers and accessories but also the wrapping paper they were resting in.

In other words, we must receive the item as you received it. If any of these criteria are not met during the return, we reserve the right to refuse the return.

Additionally, please ensure that the package is well-packed using a double box (one box over the sneaker box) and is packaged to withstand shocks to avoid damage. By using the same packaging as the one used when you received your sneakers, you can ensure a hassle-free return. If we receive your item damaged due to improper packaging, we reserve the right to refuse your return request.

Please note that you have a 14-day window from the date you receive your order to be eligible for our return system.

If you wish to initiate a refund request, please notify us at the following email address:

Upon receiving your request, we will process it and provide you with all the necessary details via email within 48 hours.

Once we receive your item, please allow 1 to 3 business days for us to process your request. We will inform you of its status and our final decision via email.

Upon accepting your refund request, you will receive the funds within 4 to 7 days, depending on the payment method used and your financial institution.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the following address:

Happy shopping!